It goes without saying that social media is slowly getting huge in Pakistan. Social media is a key driver behind the uptake of online sales and digital communications strategies. Having said that, it is certain that social media is changing the digital marketing landscape. With improved statistics, clear advertising parameters, and constant growth in user […]

It goes without saying that social media is slowly getting huge in Pakistan. Social media is a key driver behind the uptake of online sales and digital communications strategies. Having said that, it is certain that social media is changing the digital marketing landscape. With improved statistics, clear advertising parameters, and constant growth in user base, social media surely deserves greater attention under your marketing budget. Also, not to forget, Pakistan, of late, has surpassed South Korea, Canada, Australia and Spain in terms of online population.

However, despite the popularity, many online marketers in Pakistan aren’t sure which social media strategies could bring them higher ROI but believe social media marketing is crucial. With more than 50 million small business owners across the world that want to connect with their customer through Facebook Pages, there is definitely more to the numbers. So here are some noteworthy digital and social media marketing stats and facts from Pakistan in 2018 that can help you create your digital marketing plan this year with a sound mind!

As of January, Pakistan has a total number of Population of 198.9 Million and it would be interesting to note the numbers that are contributing to the social media growth.

Here are some of the facts and statistics of Pakistan’s digital and social marketing growth in 2018.

  1. There are 47.5 Million Internet users in the country.
  2. Overall 35 Million (16%) users are active on social media networks.
  3. The country has 44.6 million mobile internet users.
  4. Out of 109.5 million unique mobile users, 32 Million are accessing social network using mobile.
  5. 8 million mobile users are active on social networks.
  6. Out of total population, 82% of people are mobile phone users.
  7. 31% are smartphone
  8. 10% of users have a laptop or a computer, however, only 1% is tablet computer users.
  9. Every day at least 58% of people make use of the Internet.
  10. 31% user internet once a week.
  11. 8% use the Internet at least once a month.
  12. 71% of users access the internet over a smartphone, while 8% use them via computer.
  13. On a weekly average, 7% of people use search engine via smartphone and 1% via computer.
  14. 12% visit a social network using a smartphone and 2% on a computer in a week.
  15. 25% of users watch online videos every day, while 22% users watch online videos every week.
  16. 32 million monthly active Facebook users.
  17. 91% use Facebook via mobile.
  18. 77% are male and 23% are female Facebook users.
  19. 04% is the average engagement rate on Facebook Page Posts.
  20. 27% is the average engagement rate on Facebook Video Posts.
  21. 36% is the average engagement rate on Facebook Photo Posts.
  22. Dzire is one of the top most brands on Facebook with maximum fans interaction.
  23. The country has 5.20 million monthly active Instagram users.
  24. 5 Million people are active on Twitter.
  25. 69% are male and 31% are female Instagram users.
  26. 4% of female and 3% of male prefer making payments online in Pakistan.
  27. Imran Khan is most followed person with 7,706,080 plus follower on Twitter.
  28. Atif Aslam has the largest audience on Facebook with a total of 20,097,972 fans as of February.
  29. Pakistani Journalist Hamid Mir has the 3rd largest fan following on Twitter with 4,734,545 followers.
  30. ARY Digital Channel has the largest audience, crossing 1,412,531,392 views on YouTube.

Sources – Wearesocial, Socialbakers, Propakistani

Have something to share? Talk to me in the comments section below!

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


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