25 Social Media Discplines article contributed to Digital IT Magazine of Srilanka

Social Media today is all about communication, networking, sharing, helping, contributing and lot more. It essentially started as a networking tool that made sharing and communication easier. But, with time and with difference in social media behavior there are now opinions and discussions on how to behave on social media to obtain fan following, credibility […]

by | Jan 1, 2010 | Uncategorized

Social Media today is all about communication, networking, sharing, helping, contributing and lot more. It essentially started as a networking tool that made sharing and communication easier. But, with time and with difference in social media behavior there are now opinions and discussions on how to behave on social media to obtain fan following, credibility and rejoicing thought leaderships. I personally approached to social media actions from professional perspective on LinkedIn, twitter and facebook.

The 25 points mentioned in the article contributed by me to the Digital IT Magazine are behaviors that can help you popularize yourself and essentially obtain you create positive and professional impressions. Please click the link below to read the complete article

Digital IT Magazine – Srilanka

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai

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