The social media marketing statistics presentation I posted few months ago seemed to strike a chord amongst the digital community and the marketers, especially in showcasing how important an issue this particular area of online currently is for business growth. So, just took some time and trawled around the web to bring you some more […]

by | Jan 26, 2010 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The social media marketing statistics presentation I posted few months ago seemed to strike a chord amongst the digital community and the marketers, especially in showcasing how important an issue this particular area of online currently is for business growth. So, just took some time and trawled around the web to bring you some more snippets of useful data and awesome figures that could help you decide where Social Media actually stands and what analysts have to say about it.

1. Average person spent five and a half hours on social media sites in December 2009, up 82 percent from December 2008. AC NIELSEN

2. Marketers will also be spending more time and money on social media sites in 2010 – Alterian

3. Forrester estimates that $716 million will be spent on the medium this year, growing to $3.1 billion in 2014. At that point, social media will be a bigger marketing channel than both email and mobile

4. Online communities are rapidly becoming one of the primary means by which internet users interact with one another. According to the Yankee Group Anywhere Consumer: 2007 US Web/Data Survey, 45% of consumers older than 18-years old participate in online social networking to gain more knowledge about the products or services they are planning to buy. Brian Kotlyar, Analyst, Yankee

5. Facebook is still by far the most popular social networking site worldwide, with 206.9 million unique visitors in December

6. 67% of global social media users visited the site during that month, spending an average of about 5.5 hours there per month, up from just three hours in December 2008.

7. Twitter received 18.1 million unique visitors in December 2009, up from 2.7 million in December 2008 (a remarkable 579 percent rate of growth).

8. Time spent on blogs and other social media sites increased 210 percent year-over-year, and the average time spent per person increased 143 percent.

9. Australia led the world in time spent on social media sites with 6 hours and 52 minutes per person

10. United States was second (6 hours and 9 minutes) with the United Kingdom close behind (6 hours and 7 minutes)

11. 40% would be shifting more than a fifth of their marketing budget to social media as per the Alterian (a marketing services firm based in the U.K., surveyed 1,068 marketing executives from Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific) study.

12. MySpace is available in more than 15 languages with approximately 1000 employees and 112,500,000 users. Recently deleted 90,000 accounts of sex offenders.

13. 20 million people are online on SKYPE at peak time, 445 million subscribers in Q1 2009, 30% usage for business purpose, 3.1 billion call to mobiles and landlines in Q3 2009, More than 190 certified hardware products.

14. 385 employees in LinkedIn, 11,000,000 users from Europe, 50% members from outside US. Available in English, Spanish, French and German. More than 50,000,000 members.

15. Facebook available in more than 70 languages with 900+ employees. Facebook banned in Syria and 70% users live outside US. Features more than 350,000 application. Over 2.5 Billion photos uploaded monthly and faster growing demographic is women over 55. More that 300,000,000 users.

16. Over 25,000 blogs updated daily on Hyves with over 2.75 million messages a day. Hyves is available in English, Spanish, French and German with over 7 billion pageviews in may 2009. On an average users spend 236 minutes on Hyves per month. Close to 10,000,000 members.

17. Approximately 150,000,000 videos on YouTube. 70% of the registered users are the American. Every minute 20 hours of video is uploaded. Localized versions for over 22 countries in 19 languages, total times of videos watched in 9300+ years. Estimated revenue of between $120 – $500 Million.

18. A study (survey) conducted by Alterian confirmed 66% of respondents (marketers) plan to invest in Social Media Marketing in 2010 – Yet only 36% of respondents plan to invest in Social Media Monitoring tools.

19. 54% of respondents said social media was ‘increasingly important’ to the overall marketing mix, with only 14% believing it to be ‘critical for success (Alterian Research Study)

20. In 2010 Gen Y will outnumber Gen Baby Boomers; 96% of them have joined a social network. (Socialonomics)

21. Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web

22. If you were paid a $1 for every time an article was posted on Wikipedia you would earn $156.23 per hour;

23. 25% of search results for the World’s Top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content.

25. 80% of companies using LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees

26. Generation Y and Z consider e-mail passé…In 2009 Boston College stopped distributing e-mail addresses to incoming freshmen.

27. Hitwise UK reports indicate as top three sites for the week ending 16/01/2010: Facebook (51.60%), YouTube (16.10%) and Bebo (2.26%) (social networking category).

28. 77% of the online shoppers read consumer product reviews and ratings before purchasing a product.

29. $2 billion of online travel purchase are affected by Social Media.

30. 51% of journalists read blogs for story ideas.

31. 28% of top search engine results are Social Media sites.

32. Universal McCann reports that 77% of all active internet users often read blogs.

33. Formed in 2004, Flickr now hosts more than 4.1 billion user images.

34. Delicious (bookmarking site), has more than five million users and over 160 million unique bookmarked URLs.

35. Orkut founded in year 2004 engages the maximum percentage of Indian and Brazilian internet users. As of December 2009, 51.09% of Orkut’s users are from Brazil, followed by India with 20.02% and United States with 17.28%. As of January 2010, Alexa traffic ranked Orkut 70th in the world, the website currently has more than 100 million active users worldwide.

36. According to Compete, In Q4 2009 Digg saw a 91% increase in traffic, while Stumbleupon and FriendFeed recorded a huge increase of over 180% and 3100%, respectively, as compared to 2008.

37. Number of Chinese online social media users is around 130 million. Majority of SNS users are youth (52.6%). 47.5 of SNS users’ month income is lower than RMB 1,000, also higher than the percentage of overall Chinese netizens (44.2%). 59.1% of Chinese SNS users own college degree and above, 34% higher than over Chinese netizens.

38. Top 5 social networking sites of China: QQ alumni (50%), Renren (37%), Sina Space (36.6%), (27.1%), and Kaixin001 (26.4%).

39. Wikipedia currently has more than 13.5 million articles in more than 250 different languages. The site attracts over 60 million unique visitors a month and it’s often hotly debated that the information it contains is more reliable than any printed Encyclopaedia.

40. There are overall 234 million websites as of December 2009. 126 million blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).

1. B & O
2. Gartner
3. Yankee
4. AC Nielsen
5. Yankee
6. Alterian
7. Socialonomics
8. Syscom
9.China Internet Watch
10. THAT Blog
11. BlogPulse
12. Technorati Code: 4KY2RYPSMSX2

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


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