15 Most Popular Digital Marketing Twitter Chats – You Have to Follow

Tweet chat or Twitter chat is a powerful mode of networking and a means to grow your circle. With a predetermined time, topic and a hashtag, people from all over the world gather over Twitter for a chat. The topics discussed could range from particular disease awareness to latest industry trends. Anybody who wants to […]

by | Dec 23, 2015 | Learn Digital Marketing


Tweet chat or Twitter chat is a powerful mode of networking and a means to grow your circle. With a predetermined time, topic and a hashtag, people from all over the world gather over Twitter for a chat. The topics discussed could range from particular disease awareness to latest industry trends.

Anybody who wants to learn or share their knowledge could host a Twitter chat or participate in one too. If youโ€™re hosting a Twitter chat make sure you invite guests who are experts in the field of topics being discussed.

A few popular digital marketing chats on Twitter which happen on regular basis are listed below. These chats help in learning new tools being used in digital marketing and meeting super savvy people.

1. #PinChat


A Twitter Chat community that’s uniquely talking about Pinterest, Instagram and visuals (on social media). PinChat is hosted by Kim Vij (@EducatorsSpin) a blogger, author of 100 Fun & Easy Learning Games for Kids and Pinterest coach along with Kelly Liemberman (@Tribe2point0) who is a blogger too and founder of the chat, which happens every Wednesday night at 9PM EST.

Experts in the field are invited as guests who ensure the questions are answered then and there. There are around 5-10 people participating in the chat.

#PinChat being the original Twitter chat about Pinterest has discussions on topics ranging from best practices, new uses, tools, highlighting brand usage, personal/professional use of Pinterest.

2. #BufferChat


Buffer chat is organized by Buffer. Buffer is an appdesigned to manage social networks, by providing the means for a user to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. Bufferapp has been listed under 100 best social media marketing tools of the World.

Buffer tweet chatis a community that engages smart marketers and community managers and invites a guest who is an expert in the topic being discussed. The chat happens every Wednesday at 4PM BST and there are around 15-20 people predominantly seen during the chat.

#BufferChat engages its followers in social media questions, insights from top marketers & industry leaders. The chat has been successfully running for more than a year now. And they have discussed topics like – Growing your Twitter network, Content marketing, Instagram marketing, Social listening and many others on social media.

3. #semrushchat


SEMrush organizes SEMrush Chat. They usually have discussions on Search engine optimization and Pay Per Click with experts in the field. They also publish recaps on what all happened in the chat for those who missed it.

ElizavetaPerstneva (@E_Perstneva) who is a community manager at SEMrush is the host of semrushchat and it happens on Wednesdays at 4PM BST. There are around 30-40 people actively participating in the chat.

Some of their last chats have been on Generating high quality content, Content marketing and others related to digital marketing.

4. #ContentChat


Content Chat is a Twitter chat on Content marketing hosted by Smarter Shift (@SmarterShft) which is a content development and communications firm. ContentChat happens on Mondays at 12pm PST.

Topics covered in the past during the chats are Content Marketing During Holidays, How to Build a Community Using Instagramย , Marketing Automation Tips, Tools and Tacticsย and many more. They invite guests who are experts in the field of topic being discussed. They have been organizing it since January 2013.

The moderator of the chat is JeniseFryatt (@JeniseFryatt) Content Marketing Strategist at Smarter Shift and Co-Host Sustainable Living Podcast, and there are around 15-20 people actively participating in the chat.

5. #LinkedinChat


Linkedin chat is forLinkedIn Users on how they can use the platform and other social media platforms to improve their LinkedIn results. LinkedInChat takes place on Tuesdays at 5pm PST.

Hosts of the chat are Viveka von Rosen (@LinkedInExpert)ย author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and Steve Cassady (@SteveCassady) who is a LinkedIn coach. There are around 30-40 people actively participating in the chat.

6. #SocialChat


Social Chat is hosted by Michelle StinsonRoss (@SocialMichelleR) who is a Digital Marketing Stratergist and Traineralong with Alan K’necht (@aknecht)Founding partner at Digital Always Mediaon Mondays at 6pm PST. Topics covered are usually latest trends on social media. There are around 10-12 people participating in the chat.

7. #CMWorld


CMWorld chat is hosted by CMI (@CMIContent)which ย isa leading global content marketing education and training organization. And the chat features a guest who is an expert in the area of interest. This takes place on Tuesdays at 12pm ET. There are around 10-12 people participating in the chat.

People gather for the tweet chat to discuss all about content marketing. Topics discussed in the past are Email marketing, LinkedIn for content marketing, using subject matter experts for content marketing, Creating content-driven experiences and many more since July 2013.

8. #InBoundHour


Hosted by Hubspot (@HubSpot) a leading inbound marketing & sales platform, InBoundHour is a popular tweet chat. It happens on Thursdays at 1pm ET. There are around 15-20 people participating in the chat. The topics discussed are basically inbound marketing and social media analytics.

9. #HootChat


Hoot Chat by Hootsuite is a tweet chat that takes place on Thursdays at 12pm PST. Hootsuite is a social media management system for brand management. This chat is hosted by the Hootsuite Community (@HootCommunity) and the topics discussed are related to social media strategies. This is the busiest chat during the hour as it receives thousands of mentions from participants.

10. #PPCChat


PPC Chat was founded by Mathew Umbro (@Matt_Umbro) and it happens on Tuesdays at 9am PST. Pay Per Click professionals gather to discuss everything about Google Adwords, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media marketing and more. There are around 15-20 people participating in the chat.

11. #BrandChat


Brand Chat is all about marketing your brand on Social Media. The tweet chat takes place on Wednesdays at 8am PST. Brand Chat is hosted by Personal Branding Specialist Maria Elena Duronย (@mariaduron).

A few popular Twitter chats conducted by Indian social media professionals and Indian digital marketing companies are listed below; they are no less in bringing out latest topics and discussing it thoroughly.

12. #SamosaChat


Samosa Chat is a tweet chat organised byย Socialย Samosaย (@Social_Samosa) a Mumbai-based company.ย Samosa Chat usually invites guests who are influencers in their industry. Their latest tweet chat was on Influencer Marketing and with ourย Thinker in Chief Sorav Jainย (@SoravJain) ย asย special guestย , Samosa Chat happens in the mid-week fromย 4 pm to 5pmย and usually once in a month. It has around 15-20 people taking part in the tweet chat in the given time.

13. #SocialPowWow


SocialPowWow is a platform for Indian Entrepreneurs, Marketing, PR, Advertising and Digital professionals to exchange ideas and start discussions around topics. AncitaSatija (@ancitasatija), hosts the SocialPowWow chat. There are around 16-20 tweeters actively participating in the chat. #SocialPowWow happens every Thursday between 9-10 PM, IST.

The topics discussed and guests invited previously were โ€“ Social Media for Public Relations and Strategic Communications with the Special Guest VikramKharvi (@vikramkharvi), Senior Group Head, lead B2B & Tech Practice at Adfactors PR, on Digital Marketing for Startups with the Special Guest Sorav Jain (@SoravJain), Thinker in Chief at echoVME and many other topics on social media.

14. #SEOTalk


Jaydip Parikh (@JaydipParikh)ย andย Malhar Barai host (@MalharBarai) SEOTalk. The tweet chat happens every Monday 8:30pm India time (3PM GMT). There are around 10-15 people participating in the chat.

The topics covered are all things under the sun related to SEO at #SEOTalk. They talk about basics first and then move towards complex nuances during the chat.

15. #echoVMEChat


echoVME(@echovme) is a digital marketing agency. Team echoVME conducts its echoVMEChats through which it discusses pros and cons of various digital and social trends running around the world.

They started with Twitter chats in March 2015 there are around 15-25 active participants during the chat. The chat session occurs at every fortnight between 3:30-4:30 PM.

The topics covered were Influencer Relationship on Social Media, LinkedIn for Business, How Social Media can improve Website Ranking on Search Engines, Influence of Social Media on CSR & Social Change, Importance of Blog and Industry Bloggers for Business and Does Instagram help Businesses, and few other topics on Social Media.

Twitter chats like the above are a positive influence on the users. It helps in creating brand awareness and builds the brand authority. These chats have turned out to be a great source of ideas, tips, information and a platform for sharing ones view. Joining Twitter chats would benefit your business online. In fact, itโ€™s an efficient and effective use of your time,if time is that scarce for you as business owner or executive.

Table of Contents

Itโ€™s your Turn Now!

Tell us which is your favorite chats of all and why? Also, have we not listed your favorite chat in the list above? Please feel free to share the details in the comment section below we would love to add that in the article.

This article was contributed by Malavika – Social Media Manager, Vishnu Priya & Kavya Shree – Social Media Executives at echoVME under the guidance of Sorav Jain after analysing the popularity and consistency of Chats on Twitter.

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


  1. Malhar

    Thanks for featuring #SEOTalk , we are in good company!

    • SoravJain

      You are welcome Malhar ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ancita

    Thanks for including #SocialPowWow to the list! Really appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚

    • SoravJain

      Pleasure Ancita ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Maria Duron

    Thank you for including #brandchat !

    • SoravJain

      Pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚

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