It is 12:25 AM and I am writing this post! Sigh! I am a blogging addict. To remark one year success of Echovme the team has put in 6 months of efforts to finally launch the “Social Media Revolution in India” video. This video will simply narrate “we in India communicated and still communicate in […]

It is 12:25 AM and I am writing this post! Sigh! I am a blogging addict. To remark one year success of Echovme the team has put in 6 months of efforts to finally launch the “Social Media Revolution in India” video. This video will simply narrate “we in India communicated and still communicate in many ways” in a way that merges Indian Social Media history with the growth of social media in India facts in detail.

Thanking few individuals without whom this video wouldn’t have been possible and the journey of echovme wouldn’t have been so fascinating.

1. Komal Sharma – The first employee @echovme. Komal has ideated this video along with me in January 2010 but we couldn’t execute it with respect to priorities.

2. Prakash Savariappa – The guy behind the flowery terms there. It is definitely not easy to catch hold this part time employee @echovme. We had few to many sittings with Prakash to get every catchy statement. By the way, he doesn’t get easily pleased until you bribe him with excess cheesy food.

3. Karthika Priyadarshini – She is the hope @echovme. Eveytime I say “Priya, nahi hoga yaar” (it wont be possible) she reverts back with all the motivation and belief that gets me going again. She is behind conceptualizing the video popularity strategy.

5. Mini & Nikhil Antag: Mini started with the design part of the video and Nikhil assisted Mini in video completion complementing our requirements.

6. Siddarth Babu – The young music director and my batch mate at Loyola is behind the foot tapping beats of this video. Siddharth is a music director and he just launched the music of a tamil movie ‘vaada poda’

7. Ramesh and Marees – Ramesh and Marees have been the consistent performer @echovme. They prefer silence when they are at work and their silence works really well. Marees is involved in the online PR of the video whereas, Ramesh is behind the web page design and other technical activities.

8. Nishita and Team: Nishita is the CEO of Bamboo Shoot Communication the sister wing of Echovme that operates from Mumbai. Nishita and her team is to assist with facts, ideation for design and more. After all she is the creative lot.

You can watch the video online at: Social Media India

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai

1 Comment

  1. globalsuccessonline

    Great team you have there!


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