This time around in my Digital Talk Show, I got to interview a very special guest all the way from the U.S., the king of Facebook Messenger Marketing, Larry Kim. Larry is the CEO and founder of Mobile Monkey Inc., world’s best Facebook Messenger Marketing Tool and CTO and founder at Wordstream, a tool that […]

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Digital Talks | 1 comment

This time around in my Digital Talk Show, I got to interview a very special guest all the way from the U.S., the king of Facebook Messenger Marketing, Larry Kim.

Larry is the CEO and founder of Mobile Monkey Inc., world’s best Facebook Messenger Marketing Tool and CTO and founder at Wordstream, a tool that is the leading provider of AdWords, Facebook, and keywords.

The entire interview revolved around the idea of Messenger Marketing and Larry gave some very useful tips and insights into his world and how this medium has evolved and how will this continue to help many brands in the long run.

Here are some informative pointers from the interview:

  • Facebook ads cost has doubled over the years and will continue to increase. Posting up content on your wall will only have a small number of your fans see it and it won’t double your business. Instead, take your content and build a subscriber base on Messenger for it. So when you have any important updates, just share it through Messenger, and it will be highly engaging and more visible than any other channel by a factor of 100.
  • Chatbots for Customer Service is a bit frustrating, they might answer basic questions like working hours and address, but not the advanced questions you put to them. But what Messenger Marketing is really really great for is Top of the funnel lead generation online advertising.
  • One of the important tricks to grow a Messenger Subscriber count is to ask a question. Instead of saying, ‘Hey here’s a free E-book’, try Messenger and ask, ‘Who wants a free E-book. It costs $9 but comment below to claim for free?’ By this, you can create a subscriber base out of comments and use Mobile Monkey to send them a free copy.

He also shared a few hacks for Messenger Marketing, the cost involved in Messenger Marketing, and his entrepreneurial journey to derive two very popular tools in the Digital Marketing World. This was followed by a very interesting round of Rapid fire where I gave him a billion-dollar business idea.

Check out the whole interview in the link below:

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai

1 Comment

  1. Digital Aroma

    Very Interesting. Thank You for sharing this video with us.


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