On-Page SEO Techniques: 50 Best SEO Strategies for 2025

On-Page SEO Techniques are no magic tricks! However, these On-Page SEO strategies have the potential to bring your blog or website or micro site or landing page onto the first page and even the first spot of the search engine result pages. Table of Contents Sounds Great? What is Search Engine Optimization? What is On-Page […]

On-Page SEO Techniques are no magic tricks! However, these On-Page SEO strategies have the potential to bring your blog or website or micro site or landing page onto the first page and even the first spot of the search engine result pages.

Sounds Great?

You might find this hard to believe but it is true that you can achieve the first page result with ZERO backlink. Now, let me walk you through how this can be achieved.

If you are reading this blog now, you’d probably know what “Search Engine Optimization” is. It is quite commonly called SEO. I’m giving you a quick brief on Search Engine Optimization, types of SEO techniques, the strategies involved in these processes etc.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is nothing but the process of bringing our website or blog on to the top of the search engine result pages (SERPs). This optimization is basically classified into two types.

  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization

What is On-Page SEO Techniques?

The process of updating elements such as coding, text, images etc within our website or blog is called on-page optimization.

What is Off-Page SEO Techniques?

The process to acquiring back links, which point to our website, is called off-page optimization.

Both, the on-page and off-page optimization can be done in the following three ways:

  • White Hat SEO Techniques
  • Black Hat SEO Techniques
  • Gray Hat SEO Techniques

White Hat SEO Techniques

Experts call the White Hat SEO as the most organic/natural way of SEO process which follows search engine rules and policies. Most of the techniques are done to please the users and not to please the search engines. The primary goal of these techniques would be to increase the user experience and website usability.

Black Hat SEO Techniques

Black Hat SEO techniques are completely opposite to White Hat SEO techniques. Here, the process is of implementing the techniques to please only search engines without giving much thought about the users and relevance. The website might get penalized if we keep practising such black hat techniques. This can be done through a completely automated process through bots, programs, tools etc., without any human involvement.

Gray Hat SEO Techniques

You guessed it right?

It is the combination of both White Hat SEO techniques and Black Hat SEO techniques. Most of the newbies in the digital marketing field are executing Gray Hat SEO techniques.

In this blog post, I will share a few On-Page SEO techniques with you, that can be done completely through White Hat method.

I have listed must-have 50 on-page techniques under categories, which I have further divided into 10 Groups, for better understanding.

Top 50 On-Page SEO Techniques (Strategies You Must Learn Now)
HTML TagsText Formats
Meta TagsImage Optimization
Schema TagsLink Placement
Content StrategySocial Tags
Keywords PlacementSite Accessibility


These HTML tags are the first and most important technique ever in the evaluation of on-page Search Engine Optimization.

1. Page Title

The page title or post title is nothing but the title which appears as a first thing on the website or webpage. The title can be around 60 to 80 characters limit. And also, make sure your post title always comes with H1 tags. If you are not able to update your post title in H1, ask your developers to do so.

2. SEO Title

Google and other major search engines take the SEO title and display it in the search engine result pages. Google typically displays the first 55 to 65 characters (with space). So make sure your SEO title would be around 60 characters. You can check the SEO title by hovering your mouse pointer over the browser tab. The page title and the SEO title can either be the same or slightly different.


<title>60 Best On-Page SEO Techniques for 1st Page Result with Zero Off-page Work</title>

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Meta Tags

Meta tags are introduced only for Meta search engine, to understand about the webpage, and it is not visible to the users in the browser. Let’s see how this can help us:

3. Meta Description

Meta description is not a direct SEO ranking factor but it helps in ranking indirectly. It is one of the best places to place our keywords. Meta description helps increase the click through rate (CTR) in the SERPs. CTR is again one of the ranking factors in SEO. Most of the search engines display the keywords in the description in bold format.


<meta name=”description” content=”your meta description goes here”>

4. Meta Keywords

Meta keywords are the place where we can update our targeting keywords. 3 to 4 keywords are suggestible. Few experts do not bother about the usage of meta keywords. Meta keywords are the least priority in ranking factors in SEO. But my opinion is, every single thing must matter to us if we really want to beat the competition.


<meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3″/>

5. Meta Robots

Meta robots are another special html tag where we tell the robots or bots to either index or not index our website page.

Example 1:

<meta name=”robots” content=” index, follow”>

The above example means that we tell the robots to index or scan all the webpage content and we allow bots to follow all the external links.

Example 2:

<meta name=”robots” content=” noindex, nofollow”>

The second example means that we do not allow bots to either index the webpage for the blog page or follow any of the links which is available in that particular page.

Make sure your page is updated with index and follow tags to let the search engine index the page content.

6. Meta Author

This Meta tag has little influence in search engine ranking. In this tag, we can add the author’s name of the particular blog post. This is mostly applicable for blogs and article pages. We can ignore this tag if we have ecommerce or shopping websites.


<meta name=”name” content=”Sorav Jain”>

7. Meta Language

A Meta Language tag is basically used to signify what language the website content is written in.


<meta name=”language” content=”English”> 

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Schema Tags (For Google+)

Schema is nothing but micro data that makes it much simple for search engines to parse the content on our web pages more effectively so they can serve relevant results to users based on search queries.

8. Page Type

Page type is one of the most important schema tags where we need to tell the search engine about the type of our webpage. These types can be web pages, articles, book reviews, events, movies, products, local businesses, organizations, persons etc.,


<div itemscope itemtype=”[Type]”>

9. Name (140 Char)

This acts as the title attribute of the rich snippet and should be limited to 140 characters.


<h1 itemprop=”name”>On-Page SEO Techniques 2018</h1>

10. Description (185 Char)

This is the description of the rich snippet and should be limited to 185 characters.


<h2 itemprop=”description”>The best 60 On-Page seo techniques you can find to rank in #1 position</h2>

11. Image

This is the image of the rich snippet with an optimal size of 180 x 120. Google+ will shrink this image, but if it is too small, it will not be displayed.


<img itemprop=”image” src=”(image-url)”/>

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12. Quality/Unique Content

The quality of your content is essential because only with quality content can you attract a lot of people to check out your posts. The uniqueness in your content makes users want to go through the work you do, thus making your work viewed by many. This gives your website an edge in search engine ranking.

13. Content Structure

Writing huge paragraphs does not appeal to anyone. For example, blogs must contain introduction, body, and conclusion. While writing the body for the blog, you can also add points instead of paragraphs to make it more engaging. This will encourage more viewers to visit your website, thus increasing the traffic there.

14. Word Count (850 Words Min)

The word count should at least be a minimum of 850 words so the content seems good enough. This is not the minimum word count to publish a blog, but a minimum of 850 words makes your content’s readability higher.

15. Update Constantly (2 Blogs Per Week)

It is important to keep your website and the users updated to get an SEO ranking factor. The popularity of a website dies when there is nothing to keep the users engaged. Try to post at least 2 blogs per week, thus ensuring that your website stays constantly updated.

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Keywords Placement

16. Keyword in Title

Make sure that at least one of your keywords comes in both, SEO title as well as post/page title. Search engine gives more priority for first three words in both post title and SEO title. So, if possible, try to place the keywords within the first 3 words.

17. Keyword in Summary

Placing the keywords in the first paragraph, precisely, in the first line and if possible, place it in the first word of the introduction line.

18. Keyword in Conclusion

As we discussed above in the content structure section, we must have a conclusion part. And make sure you add at least one keyword in the conclusion part.

19. Keyword Density

This is the most controversial topic among the SEO experts. There are no specific rules and policies for the usage of keyword density. But as per 1000+ experiments, we understand that the keyword density of 3 to 5 % works well.

20. Long Tail Keywords

When we come to the keyword part, long tail keywords are always high yielding ones when compared to single or double word keywords. Also, the competition is very low but we can rank it very soon for the long tail keywords.

21. LSI Keywords

LSI is nothing but Latent Semantic Indexing keywords. They are keywords that need not essentially be synonymous to your keywords but are semantically related to them.

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Text Formats

22. Bold

The bold option is useful when you want to highlight the important words/sentences of your content. Make sure you use this option wisely because the words that are made bold catch the viewers’ attention quickly than the normal words.

23. Italic

If there are important keywords in your answer that you want the users to see or if there are catchy sentences that you want them to check, then you can use the italic option to italicize that particular word/sentence, thus making it easier for them to locate.

24. Blockquote

If there are certain key points in the blog that are required to be highlighted, then we use quotations and mark them to make sure they get more attention. These are called blockquotes.

25. Ordered List

Ordered lists are when the points in your content are numbered. There are numerous options to customize the numbered list.

26. Unordered List

Unordered lists are when you use bullets instead of numbers for your content. Bullets can also be customized.

27. H1, H2, H3

The ‘H’ in H1, H2 and H3 stands for Heading. Every blog/post can be given three headings. The first heading or title of the blog is automatically assigned H1. You can use H2 for the side-headings of your post. And H3 is for sub-headings, if any, on the post. Make sure to use all the three types for better credibility.

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Image Optimization

28. Image File Name

Rename the image that should be uploaded on the blog without spaces. That is, make sure to use hyphens instead of giving spaces for the name of the image.

29. Image Alt tags

There are times when the internet connection is slow and the image doesn’t seem to load. The image Alt tags are given in such a way that when an image doesn’t load, we are still able to see the text about that particular image, instead of the picture. The text in the place of the image due to slow internet connection are called image alt tags.

30. Image Title Tags

The image title tags are when you hover your mouse pointer over an image, you see certain words pop up. Those words make it convenient for people to understand the image more easily.

31. Image Caption

Image caption is the explanation given right below the image for viewers to understand what the image represents without much hassle.

32. Optimized Image

Get the image optimized so that it can render easily when page loads. We have many image optimizing tools online. Make use of it and get it done.

33. Image File Types

As per the echoVME analysis, .jpg images are more SEO friendly than .png. If possible, try to place all your images in jpg format.

34. Image Dimension

We can simply call it as scale of image SEO. Whenever you add any image within the blog post or article, better mention the exact dimensions of the images. Image scaling helps to increase the website speed and in turn which helps for better SEO ranking.

35. URL Structure (All Lower Case, – Separator)

URL structure is found below the title of the blog. You can edit the blog title in a way such that the characters are reduced and the URL is not too long. All characters in the URL must be in lowercase only. Also, hyphens must be used to separate words in the URL instead of spaces.

When you select a word or a certain set of words and interlink them to some other related blog in your own website, those are known as internal links.

When the highlighted set of words in your blog take you to some other website, if you have interlinked them with a blog outside of your website, they are called external links.

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Social Meta Tags

38. OG Title

It is the title that appears on social media platforms once we share the article/blog. You have 95 characters to work with here.


<meta property=”og:title” content=”iAcquire’s awesome blog”/>

39. OG Description

This is the text that appears right below the title once you share it on social media. You have to 297 characters to make it happen.


<meta property=”og:description” content=”Stop hitting refresh on your ex-girlfriend’s Facebook page? You should check out the iAcquire blog and learn something instead”/>

40. OG Image

It is the image that appears on the social media post. The dimensions are 1200*628.


<meta property=”og:image” content=”http://www.iacquire.com/some-thumbnail.jpg”/>

41. OG Type

This is the type of object your piece of content is. For your purposes it will usually be a blog, a website or an article, but if you want to get fancy Facebook provides a complete list. Format:

<meta property=”og:type” content=”article”/>

42. OG URL

This is simply the URL of the page (or edge). You should specify this especially if you have duplicate content issues to make sure the value of the edge in Facebook is consolidated into one URL.


<meta property=”og:url” content=”https://soravjain.com/on-page-seo-techniques”/>

43. Twitter Card Type

This is the card type. Your options are summary, photo or player. Twitter will default to “summary” if it is not specified.


<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary”>

44. Twitter Title

This is the title of the content to be shared and should be limited to 70 characters after which Twitter will truncate. Again, go for headlines instead of keywords.


<meta name=”twitter:title” content=”Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral”>

45. Twitter Description

This is the description of the content to be shared and should be limited to 200 characters after which Twitter will truncate it. Again, go for engaging text, you have better opportunity here than the actual tweet does. Format:

<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”Description content goes here”>

46. Twitter URL

This is the URL of the content.


<meta name=”twitter:url” content=”https://soravjain.com/on-page-seo-techniques”>

47. Twitter Image

This is the image that will be displayed on the Twitter Card and it should be a square image no smaller than 60×60 pixels.


<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”.jpg”>

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Site Accessibility

48. Site Navigation & Breadcrumb

Breadcrumbs are simply navigational links that is placed on top of the body content of a web page. Subtle presence of site navigation or breadcrumbs allow visitors to quickly refer to the links of homepage, or parent category of the current page. Try to add some LSI keywords in the breadcrumbs.

49. HTML Sitemap

HTML Sitemap is one of the small factor for SEO ranking. Most of the experts call it as human friendly or user friendly sitemap. We can provide a list of web pages that can be easily indexed by a search engine crawler. However, this is no preferred format used for major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

50. XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a place where we can outline the structures of your site. We can call it as search engine friendly sitemap. XML format is easily understood by search engine bots but it is not easily understood by a human. If you happen to visit an XML sitemap you will just see a bunch of codes. If you have any crawling issue on your website or blog, XML sitemap is the best option to go with.

Both the sitemap file is limited to 50MB (uncompressed) with a maximum of 50,000 URLs. If you have more than 50K URLs, then you can have more than one sitemap and you can break down the links.

Note: This is not the end of the list, we keep adding the best on-page SEO Techniques on regular basis. Do visit our blog again for next set of technical SEO strategies.

Did I miss out on anything important? Let me know in the comments section!

This article was contributed by Karthik, who works as the Digital Marketing Manager at echoVME

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


  1. Ajesh Unnithan

    Complete end to end factors on SEO are mentioned, great article resource Sorav. I think web site Loading time, server response time, Quality UI/UX shall include under On page SEO.

  2. Ankit Kuar

    what is the difference between xml sitemap and html sitemap

    • rahul

      xml sitemaps is for bots while for crawling while the Html sitemaps is for user how they will see and interact with website.
      Hope it will help 🙂

    • Ravi Verma

      A XML sitemap protocol is specifically intended for search engine spiders.
      Whereas, HTML is for users.
      You can create your website sitemap using sitemap generators that will allow you to create up to 500 page at a time.

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    Thanks for sharing.

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  8. Smart Dealz

    very well explained. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization using the white hat seo techniques. They are not only safe but also results in more conversions.

  9. Ankit Gupta

    thank you so much for the on page seo techniques

  10. Mohit Chabria

    Sorav thanks for this amazing On Page SEO techniques. You’ve covered everything in one single post. Hope to see you on my blog mybloggingideas.com soon. We have been using these On Page SEO techniques for getting the best result for our blogs, and these techniques are definitely useful.

  11. Ankush Passi

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  12. sln pestcontrol

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  13. shivkumar

    This is fantastic to learn more about on page techniques,here more queries available to follow as well as acquire more practically knowledge.Given format is easy and well define to learn easily about on page , off page, Xml sitemap creation, meta tag robots txt so on.
    thanks to you

  14. Da Bir

    Sourav Sir, thanks for this amazing On Page SEO techniques. KEEP IT UP!

  15. Chris G

    Great read, and I enjoyed the holistic overview of onpage SEO. I am currently working on Schema, and I am wondering if there a tool to see how much of an impact Schema is having on a site? There are plenty of keyword tools to track SERP rankings, but I have not found one that helps quantify the impact of Schema. Thanks for your help!

  16. Gajanan Patel

    Almost All SEO on Page techniques covered.
    Very Informative Information.

  17. Wishnplan

    awesome article, you almost covered all aspects of On-page SEO
    thanks for sharing such a nice content

  18. Andrew Matis

    Article is good, but pictures on the top got my attention. 😀

  19. John

    Very Nice Article.Thanks For Sharing Such a great information on Onpage Seo.

  20. Mamun

    nice presentation on SEO tips. thanks for a nice work.

  21. Vishal

    Hii, thank you for your awesome post, I have followed everything you mentioned but still my site is not showing in the result page.

  22. mohankumar

    nice blog thanks for giving the more information it is very helpful to the digital marketing

  23. C Marston

    Hello Sir, I have implemented mostly key points from this blog, but there is no effect on my website keywords are not ranking. Can you help?Thanks!


    Thanks for providing such valuable information about On Page Seo.

    Its really helpful for all website and i am also following these techniques and i have good amount of traffic and website ranking.

  25. Abhiram

    Thank you, sir, for Provide us such a great Content I hope you will keep this up to provide More Useful Content.

  26. Clipping Path Service

    Really Awesome Blog. Thanks for Sharing.

  27. Tom


    Very nice Content. and unique.

  28. zvodretiluret

    I have recently started a site, the info you provide on this web site has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work.

  29. deepak rajput

    very nice post for seo techniques

  30. James Smith

    nice article, thanks for sharing…

  31. Nipurn

    I deeply convinced with this post very helpful for SEO. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization using the white hat seo techniques. They are not only safe but also results in more conversions.

  32. Payal

    Hello Saurav,
    Great Content Keep it up

    But I think You missed 2-3 Technique which was very much important on page like
    1. Speed Optimization
    2. Canonical URL

  33. vikas gupta

    bahut badiya jain saab.. lage raho.

  34. meenal deshpande

    SEO is about ‘fixing’ your site to rank high using flavour of the month/year technics, which is not natural as you are trying to trick the engines to rank you higher. And if we are trying to provide what the customers want, why should we consider what the engines want?
    I would hope that folks will get fed up with Google and turn more the search engines that are less commercial and more customer originated. Presently it is all just a game we play to win and most likely the losers are the customers.

  35. Nitin Kumar

    Awesome information about on page seo.

    Here is good spot of On-page SEO for all bloggers. I try your tips and it work well. Thanks

  36. ramakrishnan

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information on on page SEO factors. These are very important to keep in mind these factors for ranking of a website. Keep sharing more articles like this.

  37. aahana basu

    hi, I am aahana .. I am very enthusiastic to learn digital marketing from your content ..its really awesome content…thank you so much once again.

  38. Zayn

    Thanks sorav for sharing this.


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