Misconceptions made clear by a survey conducted by emarketer. As the buzzword ‘Social Media’ was making its prominent entry there were conversations, debates and arguments over Email being the medium at the exit edge. If you are an active Social Media user or a marketer that creates a Social Media strategy you would agree to the fact that Social Media strategy needs a strong combination of email, reason being; “not all are active on Social Media”. It is not just activeness of users but many Social Media campaigns needs its continuation on email or just start by informing users of company’s entry into Social Media.
27% respondents of 2010 Marketing Trends survey says they will integrate Social Media into their email marketing program, whereas; 43% are agreeing for implementation but are not sure how to go about it. For example: Lot of email flyers today has links to company’s twitter, Facebook, micro community or LinkedIn profile. Similarly, individuals are using their personal profile links on emails to connect with people on Social Media.
Why Email and Social Media integration?
Social Media extends the reach of the content or message in the email to the new markets. If Social Media links or share options are made available in the email that helps marketers in obtaining good WOM. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Companies that are active on Social Media have got one advantage: they add a remark to their brand reputation by being available on the networking world to engage with customers. Similarly, when your email shows your activism on the networking tools it leads to brand awareness and perception.
An Email Marketing Bench Mark Survey conducted by emarketer confirms Social Media increases the ROI of Email Marketing campaign for many marketers by increasing brand awareness, obtaining qualified leads and augmenting the growth of email lists.