I am happy to announce my first book ‘Social Media for Business – Stories of Indian Brands’ is now released and is available for purchase.
It would be to wear blinkers, to dismiss Social Media just as a socializing individual-oriented platform. Indian brands are soon realizing that Social Media can be hotspots to reach their audience on a personal level. But unfortunately, the realization stops with just that.
Social Media: Stories of Indian Brands takes you, through thoughts, illustrations, examples and proven models to go beyond just the realization. I have effortlessly illustrated my Social Media philosophies by giving a insider overview of the challenges and opportunities for Indian brands to turn to authentic execution of branding in Social Media – the phenomenon that has already delved deep into the Indian fabric.
This book will help you learn how Social Media can be perceived from different aspects of business. This book is filled with case studies, tips and perspectives on how social media is a virtual world that provides various business opportunities apart from regular business networking.
- Book Cost: Rs. 350/-
- Buy Online through Payupaisa
- Publisher: Self Published
- Limited Copies Available.
- Table of Contents