Social Media Usage Increased by 3 hours in April 2010

April 2010 showcased 24% Increase in the Social Media or Blog visitors when compared with April 2009 says the research giant AC Nielsen. There has been 66% shift in the time spent on Social Media. The increase in visitors and time spent on Social Media indicates Marketers to involve Social Media in their marketing plan […]

by | Jun 15, 2010 | Uncategorized

April 2010 showcased 24% Increase in the Social Media or Blog visitors when compared with April 2009 says the research giant AC Nielsen. There has been 66% shift in the time spent on Social Media. The increase in visitors and time spent on Social Media indicates Marketers to involve Social Media in their marketing plan before their competitor’s take away the social media fame.

The report also revealed the following:

1. Globally, 75% of the internet users made a visit on social media (networking sites and blog) in April 2010, spending 22 percent of their online time that calculates to be more than 110 billion minutes on the whole.

2. In year 2009 (April), users spent 3 hours 31 minutes on Social Media that increased to 5 hours, 51 minutes in year 2010.

3. Facebook has hit the revolution by showcasing a massive increase in the number of subscriptions. It increased from 200 million to 500 million approximately in the span of a year and resulting in the 3rd most popular online brand with more than 50% internet users visiting the site. Google stood ahead with entertaining 82% of the internet users, Yahoo was fourth at 53 percent.

4. Facebook rocked the virtual world in April 2010 by making users spend at least 6 hours on average, where people spent only 1 hour 21 minutes on Google. It’s a good signal to advertisers on their banner ad network decision making.

5. Among the users (by country); social network users in Brazil were way more beyond expectations comprising of 82% share of the total internet users. On an average more than 7 hours was spent on Social Media by Australians, thus making it the leading country leaving America behind on third position with 6 hours, 43 minutes average time spent on Facebook.

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


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