20 Important Tools to Evaluate SEO Presence

All the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have the primary search results, where the web pages and other such content like videos or local listings are shown as well as ranked based on the aspects that the search engine considers to most relevant to the users. Here, Payment isnโ€™t involved, unlike […]

All the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have the primary search results, where the web pages and other such content like videos or local listings are shown as well as ranked based on the aspects that the search engine considers to most relevant to the users. Here, Payment isnโ€™t involved, unlike what is seen in paid search ads.

What to measure in SEO

ROI or (Return on Investment) is an important metric, even more so than sales or conversions because it takes into account the cost of the investment. This happens with SEO tool as it is not easy to calculate the ROI for SEO campaigns. If any business does not see any apparent ROI from SEO it may choose to cut down the SEO budget used or fully stop the SEO campaign entirely and invest the money in other more lucrative platforms.

List of 20 SEO Tools

Though there are a great deal of tools out there that can help you, we have compiled a list of the top 20 that are the most useful tools when it comes to SEO.

1.ย WooRank

This tool offers you in-depth reviews and can track the progress in real time. Thanks to the help of the analysis team, you can also learn about the competitors and how they are staying ahead of others as well as a checklist with an easy to use set of tasks that lets you know what to handle next.

This is a great tool for analyzing your website, take immediate print screens for your client presentations and give them accurate feedbacks. By far one of the best SEO tools on the internet which is available for Free for 14 days. Tool also gives your Traffic Estimation and overview of your social pre

Free Trial Period: 14 Days

Price: Starts fromย $ 49 /month

Website:ย www.woorank.com

2.ย Open Site Explorer

When Google and Yahoo started removing backlink data from the public, Moz built Open Site Explorer to fill a huge need. See backlinks, anchor text, popularity metrics and more. The site is powered by Mozscape index which is built in a similar fashion to search engines and through this all the relevant data is collected for the user. Moz also has tools to track Twitter Analytics, Local presence, content marketing efforts and SEO.

Do not forget to download the MOZBar for Free. As it can help you with the following data:

Price: Free

Website: moz.com

3.ย SEO Site Checkup

SEO Site Checkup focuses on making search engine optimization (SEO) simple and easy. The company provides simple, professional-quality SEO analysis as well as critical SEO monitoring that applies to websites. By making their tools intuitive and easy to understand, the company has helped thousands of small-business owners, SEO professionals and webmasters to improve their online presence.

This tool gives you Passed Checks, Failed Checks and Warnings. Gives a clear indication of what is right and what is completely wrong on your website and what areas you should improve to stay in the game.

Price: Starts fromย $79.95/mo

Website:ย seositecheckup.com

4.ย Raven SEO Auditor

With the help of Raven you get a wide array of tools from Marketing reports to SEO auditor. All of it is at your fingertips to let you dominate the web market and take top spot in SEO rankings. Get the nitty gritty on such aspects like the duplicate errors, broken links and google analytics missing code all with the help of Raven SEO.

Raven SEO will ask you to integrate Google Analytics and then give you analytical results on the basis of your traffic.

Free Trial: 30 Days

Price: Starts fromย $99/mo

Website:ย raventools.com

5.ย HubSpotโ€™s Marketing Grader

HubSpot is known as an inbound marketing system that can help your company get found online, generate more inbound prospects and more than anything else, convert a higher percentage of prospects into leads and customers. HubSpot can help companies get found by more prospects by using search engine optimization and marketing, leveraging blogs and the blogosphere as well as engaging in online social media platforms.

Hubspot’s Website Grader can help you track the SEO status, responsiveness of the website, overall performance and the website security. Suggestions are made at the bottom after analysing the website.

Price: Free

Website:ย website.grader.com

6. Site Analyzer

This complete checkup provides the user with each issue that needs to be fixed in order to improve the SEO of the user. The company gives you a list of tasks to solve so that the user can optimize their website. Get an analysis report made of more than 50 criteria based on SEO, design, accessibility, security, content and performance.

Free Trial: 3 Days

Price:ย $29/mo

Website:ย www.site-analyzer.com

7. SEO Worker

The goal of SEO Workers is to become the most valuable and trusted Forensic SEO & Social Semantic Web consultant. The company is committed to supporting the client in fully achieving an outstanding return-on-investment for their online business. SEO worker does that by continually delivering exceptional results.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.seoworkers.com

8. Google Analytics

The most popular of all the analytics tools available, Google Analytics continually innovates and sets the standard for all to follow. Get stronger results across all of your sites, apps and the off-line channels. Googleโ€™s analytics solutions can help you turn customer insights into very real and profitable gains.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.google.co.in/analytics

9. Google Webmaster Tools

After the interface had recently received a complete overhaul Google Webmaster remains a must-have resource when it comes to diagnostic and health tools for any site owner. Analyze clicks from google, get the alerts for critical errors or issues on the page and test if google can understand the content or not.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.google.com/webmasters/tools

10. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Here we have a powerful website crawling tool that is equipped with a ton of features as well as customizations. This is without a doubt a must have for the most serious SEOs. The spider lets you quickly crawl, audit and analyse a site from an onsite SEO perspective. Itโ€™s good for analysing medium to large sites.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.screamingfrog.co.uk

11. Alexa

Alexa is one of those handy tools that is a part of this list thanks to some of the impressive features. Alexa is able to analyze and create a report that contains all of the demographic data located on any website. This is a great way to help the client learn more about the competition.

Free Trail: 7 Days

Price: Starts fromย $9.99/mo

Website:ย www.alexa.com

12. Majestic SEO

You have already heard and seen Majestic SEO link charts that are now all over the Internet. It is a great crawling technology when combined with several other free options which make for great link research.

Price: Starts fromย $49.99/mo

Website:ย majestic.com

13. SEM Rush

The paid and organic keyword data offered by SEMrush is often scary good and comprehensive. Also great for researching competitors’ ads. You get access to services like organic research, advertising research, display advertising, backlinks, keyword research, keyword difficulty, product listing ads and many many more.

Price: Starts fromย $69.95/mo

Website:ย www.semrush.com

14. Stat Counter

Stat counter is a free, quick, and lightweight analytics solution that caters to your SEO needs. It is often used by those who wish to avoid using Google Analytics for their own privacy reasons. All it takes is for the user to quickly sign up, customize their counter and the paste the code onto their website and watch statcounter do the rest of the work.

Price:ย Starts from $5/month

Website:ย statcounter.com

15. Found’s SEO Audit Tool

The company known as found has a free SEO audit tool that identifies the errors within a website. This includes but is not limited to technical implementation, metadata and content, link information and canonicalisation.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.found.co.uk

16. Remove’em

The exact purpose that Remove’em was built to serve is the removal of bad or dead links. They make it simple when it comes to deciding on the links to remove, but they also document the entire process before submitting a reconsideration request for the users approval.

Price:ย Starts from $249/month

ย Website:ย www.removeem.com

17. SEO Book

This website has both free and premium features that cater to the needs of all clients. If a first time client is picky about whether or not to trust this site, they can opt for the free features like keyword list cleaner, spider test tool, keyword list generator etc to get a good understanding of how the site works. After that they can go for premium features that offer services like hub finder, SEO site planner etc to dominate the internet. A must have for anyone that wants a competitive edge.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.seobook.com

18. Smallย SEO Tools

Though the name itself sounds simple the site is most certainly not that at all. To anyone who is interested and willing to do it, this site offers you the widest array of SEO tools that you may ever need. With nearly sixty free tools ranging from the adsense calculator to a plagiarism checker, a reverse image search and an article rewriter you quite honestly have all the tools that you may ever need to increase the SEO presence of your website.

Price: Free

Website:ย smallseotools.com

19. SEO Sorcerer

SEO sorcerer is truly magical in the way that it lets you get a complete SEO analysis on your site. There are so many options that are available to anyone that comes to SEO sorcerer as the site offers various services such as DNS checks, Page state, Spellcheck, Site Rank, Scraper Finder, Sitemaps, SERP monitoring, Crawl Errors, Social Management, Link Checker, SSL Test, Structured data, Page speed and many more.

Price: Free

Website:ย seosorcerer.com

20.ย Lipperhey

Lipperhey is a stylish tool when it comes to analyzing a website, SEO analytics, get keyword suggestions, backlink checking etc. The site does provides technical analysis, keyword suggestions and keyword ranking that can boost your siteโ€™s SEO.

Price: Free

Website:ย www.lipperhey.com

So there you have it. A list of some of our picks for SEO tools. These tools are definitely head and shoulders above the rest as they give the client a wide assortment of services that help the client climb to the top of the SEO ranking. Check it out.

About the author Sorav Jain Founder of echoVME Digital, Digital Scholar

Sorav Jain is an entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media expert, consultant, trainer, author, speaker with qualified masters in International Marketing Management from Leeds University Business School and a proud alumnus of Loyola College, Chennai


  1. Aravinth R Enrique

    Nice list.

    I recommend one more tool: Ahrefs: (https://ahrefs.com/)

  2. Vineet

    Good list! I often use most of the tools which are mentioned above as all are important in their respects. Small Seo tools perform multiple functions as to check the plagiarism and much more, seems quite interesting. Moreover, the use of these tools is important to track your own progress and your competitors ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Mark Woodcock

    All great SEO tools – My favourite would be ahrefs.com. I also like to look here for an overview of the architecture of the site: http://builtwith.com

  4. Swathi Priya


    The great information that you have shared about SEO tools which are useful and keep sharing the blogs. The most of the tools are very useful for tracking our site…

  5. Durga

    Good article Sorav! Which tools do you use on daily basis for optimization?

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  7. Manish

    You have really shared great checklist of SEO Tools, i am using Google Keywords Tool on daily basis. Nice article.

  8. Jabob Brown

    Hello, Thanks for sharing great SEO tools. It is very informative for us and helpful in understanding seo more. For digital agency services visit: https://chetaru.com


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