This Diwali, many Digital giants rolled out important updates, to stay ahead of the race in 2019. From WhatsApp bringing in a major update by introducing a way to make your own personalized stickers, Instagram extending its promotion to stories, Facebook finally enabling the ‘Unsend Message’ feature, and testing the new co-viewing of videos, to LinkedIn allowing the managing of business pages through its app and YouTube showing multiple ads in the beginning and Instagram’s fight against fake likes and followers. Check out this comprehensive list, if you have missed out on anything in Digital this month!
#1 New Workflow in Creating Goal-based Google Ad Campaigns
Google has created a new workflow that lets advertisers define their goal first, which in turn provides relevant suggestions on how to set up the rest of the campaign.
#2 Yandex Beating Google in Europe’s biggest Internet Market
#3 WhatsApp Now Lets You Design Your Own Stickers
#4 Snapchat Discover Adds Comscore Audience Measurement
Snap partnered with measurement company, Comscore to tabulate total viewership for Discover, a section of the photo and video-messaging app that has stories from media brands like ESPN, MTV, Vice and The New York Times. Comscore’s Media Metrix data that now includes Snapchat Discover viewership will be available to Comscore subscribers later this month.
#5 Instagram Begins Testing ‘Promoted Stories’
#6 LinkedIn Offers New Integrations with Google Campaign Manager and Vimeo
#7 Google Adds New Options to Manage Search Presence to its Google My Business App
#8 Facebook Rolls Out ‘Unsend’ Option in Messenger
#9 Twitter Segments News in Explore to Improve Content Discovery
#10 Instagram’s New Usage Dashboard is Now Being Rolled Out
#11 Facebook is Testing A New Option For Joint Video Viewing in Messenger
Facebook is working on a new communal video viewing option within Messenger to tap into this. It will allow you to watch a video together with your friends and also chat about the same videos at the same time with the chat thread members receiving a notification that a co-viewing is starting. Everyone in this chat can control the video and see who’s watching.
#12 Google Releases Target Impression Share
#13 Reach YouTube users on connected TVs
#14 LinkedIn Now Lets You Manage Business Pages Through Mobile App
LinkedIn has announced a revamp of its company Pages, adding in a range of new enhancements focused on making it easier to generate engagement and participate in relevant conversations from your business Page.
First off, LinkedIn has now fully integrated page posting and management functionalities with its mobile app, so admins can maintain their company presence on the go.
In addition to this, LinkedIn also says that ‘admins can now associate their Page with hashtags, so they can listen in and respond to conversations happening about their brand or relevant topics on LinkedIn’.
#15 YouTube Will Play More Ads in The Start Itself to Avoid Disrupted Viewing
#16 Instagram Launches New Crackdown on Fake Followers Gained via Third Party Apps
#17 LinkedIn is Testing its Own Versions of Reactions and Stories
LinkedIn too is testing its own version of reactions and stories on its profile. LinkedIn has been working to add in other Facebook-style tools, including event filters and video stickers.
#18 Facebook Pages to be Approved For Subscription Messaging Permissions
As of January 1st, 2019, Facebook Pages will need to have successfully been approved for subscription messaging permissions – if not, they won’t be able to send the free messaging type called ‘non-promotional subscription messaging’.
#19 Bing Ads Now Supports 3rd Headline
#20 Google Launches Special Black Friday, Cyber Monday Deals Ad Unit
To help retail advertisers increase their exposure for their Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals this year, Google has launched a new experiment with promotion extensions in Google Ads.