As a monumental symbol of growth with 100% literacy, the whole state and especially Kochi is definitely on the rise in Digital Marketing.
From the nationwide viral jimiki kammal dance to Priya Varrier’s phenomenal wink Kerala has truly stood out as a progressing state in all fields.
Attracting the Malayalam speaking audience worldwide Digital Marketing is being adopted by businesses in Kerala which can be validated by the fact that Facebook has a standing population of 1,10,00000 in the state.
Kerala, a major tourist’s hub in India aids a lot of tour operators and hospitality sectors to benefit from the digital world. Also being a car lover’s paradise automobile dealers avail this digital platform to buy and sell car based services.
Beegains a Digital Marketing agency based out of Kerala started this company after they discovered a huge turn around for their car dealership company titled AM Motors with help of Digital.
The company brought down the marketing budgets by 29% because of the usage of Digital for lead generation. In year 2016-2017 the company spent 1 crore and 25 lakhs in conventional marketing techniques to achieve 19,095 enquiries and cost per retail was about Rs. 21,624 with Rs. 655/- as cost per lead.
In 2017-2018 AM Motors decided to spend about 12 Lakhs in Digital Marketing that got them 7800 enquiries with cost per lead as Rs. 154/- and cost per retail Rs. 1,282/-
This adaptation of digital was done internally by the team, giving them the confidence to bring digital to forefront giving rise to a full-fledged digital marketing agency with clients across all the verticals.
Beegains had invited me to host a session on Digital Rising, the event was marketed through PR and Social Media techniques bringing about 300+ participants from different verticals. The event was extremely well organized by Team Beegains and hospitality was at par by Grand Hyatt in Kochi with a picturesque location.
The event started with a panel discussion on the future of digital marketing in India with speakers from Google and Facebook India. Some of the important pointers shared by them were:
- Invest more during Diwali, Christmas, Dusshera as there are more people searching for new homes around this. Almost 88% increase in searches for home during festive seasons.
- Right from intent-based targeting to what Google provides, it allows you to go as precise as possible during your digital advertisement campaigns. To stay on top: know your consumer, help with content and as they start reading, show them your relevant products on the site and when they leave the site through ads.
- Some stats that were shared: Indian consumes 1.6 GB per month per user on an average; we expect 800 million mobile users by 2020.
- Instagram is the new cool, it has grown exponentially in the last 1 year, a rapid growth of 11 million to 70 million Indian users was observed and this growth is massive.
- Facebook is to reach people wherever they are, Instagram is to inspire people in their feed and messenger is to create personalized communication through instant messaging.
After the above panel discussion, I hosted a 4 hour action packed session on the below topics:
- The changing landscape of Digital India and How This Can Change Your Business.
- How To Invest In Digital Marketing?
- What Are Various Avenues of Digital Marketing and What Does It Take To Invest in Digital?
- How To Plan Your Business’s Digital Marketing Strategy With 10 Simple Steps (with industry relevant case studies
This was followed by a 1 hour Question and Answer session.
PS: Kerala was recently hit with floods and we definitely saw how Social Media played crucial role in helping the victims, I am organizing an exclusive Social Media Marketing Workshop on 22nd and 23rd September 2018 in Chennai and the proceeds of this workshop will go for the welfare of victims of Kerala Floods. It’s my time to put Social Media to good use, support it by participation and 2 days full on learning in Chennai.