February month went by pretty fast and left us many major updates from all the major Digital Marketing platforms. From Instagram’s new option to Like stories, LinkedIn testing an option to switch off political content to YouTube taking steps to tackle misinformation and Twitter now allowing chats to be pinned, there have been many new features in the space. Here is a list of #NewThingsInDigital from the month of February.
In case you missed last month’s list of digital marketing updates clicks here to read.
Top 10 Latest Digital Marketing Updates in February 2022
1. Instagram now enables likes for stories

Now, apart from sending reactions to Stories, followers can now leave a like on their favourite stories. These likes will work just like normal post likes, and the likes count won’t be visible.
2. Now directly share Instagram posts by long-pressing the share button to your close friends

To make the sharing option simpler, users can now long-press the share button and choose to share the post with their 4 top contacts
3. Instagram launches new content management tools

Instagram is adding a new ‘Your Activity’ display after testing the same for a couple of months. This dashboard will include a new bulk delete option, give you a full overview of your activities, display time spent on the app, interactions, your searches, and a lot more.
4. Instagram announces new security checkup feature for all users

This new security update will help users in checking login activity, reviewing profile information, confirming diffent accounts with the login information, account recovery options, and many other features under the Security Checkup option.
5. Now one can pin DM chats on Twitter

Like WhatsApp, users can now pin their favorite/important Twitter chat on top. They can pin up to 6 conversations and prioritize the conversations accordingly.
6. LinkedIn starts testing the option to switch off political posts in your feed

LinkedIn is now experimenting with an option to switch off political content entirely to improve your personal experience on the platform. This will detect keywords and signals from users and try to eliminate them for people who are opting out of them.
7. YouTube updates 3 key ways how it will tackle harmful misinformation

To tackle misinformation, YouTube is now focusing on 3 elements. a. Finding misinformation before it goes viral. b. Addressing sharing of misinformation. c. Ramping up misinformation efforts globally.
8. Messenger adds new stickers for Black history month to support black creators

To support a cause and celebrate Black History Month, Messenger has added a few features promoting it. This includes stickers and an initiative to elevate the presence of Black creators.
9. Search ads on Google now get bulleted descriptions

Google is now testing readers’ favourite form of content reading option, bullet points! Now in place of the full-sentence description on Google’s search engine, the platform is now testing content appearing in bullet points.
10. Google makes Ad labels more visible with a green border

To make Google ads more noticeable, Google is experimenting with showcasing ads with curved and green borders.